Cardiac Arrhythmia - Make Your Revenue Smarter

Cardiac Arrhythmia


Diagnosis: Cardiac Arrhythmia and Conduction Disorders


Applicable for MSDRGs: 308, 309, 310


MD documentation should address:


  1. Presenting symptoms: cardiac rhythm normal, tachy- or bradycardia; SOB/dyspnea (on exertion); lung sounds; respiratory effort and rate; syncopal or presyncopal episodes; palpitations; chest/jaw/arm/or shoulder pain; angina or unstable angina; emotional stress
  2. CXR findings: (i.e. pulmonary edema; pleural effusions; emphysema; infiltrates; bronchiectasis; cardiomegaly, etc)
  3. Cardiac study findings (i.e. diastolic/systolic dysfunction; ejection fraction)
  4. EKG: new findings and subsequent changes (i.e. SVT, atrial fib)
  5. O2 Sat or ABG Findings (i.e. hypoxia, acute/chronic/acute-on-chronic respiratory failure, hyper- or hypocarbnia)
  6. Lab values: hypoperfusion of renal or hepatic system; electrolyte abnormalities (DO NOT USE ARROWS)
  7. Possible contributing conditions: CAD, prior MI; cardiac/vascular surgery; implanted cardiac device; anemia; HTN (benign, malignant/accelerated)
  8. Evidence of encephalopathy and cause if known (metabolic, specific organ dysfunction)
  9. Mechanical complication due to cardiac pacemaker or implantable defibrillator
  10. Treatment with medications, procedures or therapies

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