June, 2015 - Make Your Revenue Smarter

IRF Transition: (Part 5 Improving Paddle Power) Techniques for IRF-PAI Coders Only

IRF Transition: (Part 4 Riding the Wave Now We are Having Fun) Documentation Improvement for IRF Services

IRF Audit: How An Expert Auditor can Uncover Errors (without Looking at Your Medical Records)

ACMO: Blood Characteristics — HC738-A, HC738-M, HC738-D, LB100-A, LB200-A, LB100-D

On , in A Clinical Minute, by AQ-IQ LLC

This episode of “A Clinical Minute” has Dr. Digby describing blood characteristics. Some of the terms he mentions are: a subunits, agranulocyte, albumin, allergy, alpha granules, alveoli, anemia, antibodies, arteries, azurophilic granules, bacteria, band 3,  basophils, biconcave disk, bone marrow, Bohr effect, buffy coat, capillaries, centrifuge, centripetal force, cathepsin, clotting factors, coagulation (clotting), concentration, cooperativity, […]