July, 2014 - Make Your Revenue Smarter

ICD-9 Ancillary Coding: Labs, Radiology & Other Tests

Discharge Codes – Physician Only?

On , in Your Toughest Case, by AQ-IQ LLC

A biller from the other office which Dr. A works for tells me that a physician discharge code has to be used and it has to be a face to face. Since rehab physicians are not required to see patients on the day of discharge, this makes no sense. I suggested that Dr. A just […]

Documentation by Non-Attending Physician in Rehab – Can We Code It?

On , in Your Toughest Case, by AQ-IQ LLC

The coders are telling me that they cannot use a comorbid condition that is only documented by a physician consultant and not by our rehab doctors.  Specifically, a cardiologist stated in 2 of his progress notes that the patient had “acute on chronic CHF” but the rehab doctors did not mention it, therefore the coders […]

Coding Order and RVUs

On , in Your Toughest Case, by AQ-IQ LLC

I have a question about the order we are billing the caths, etc~ for example if we bill 93458-26, 59 and 92928 The RVU is actually higher on 92928 since we are using the -26 modifier on the cath… should we be reversing the order to   92928 and 93458-26,59   ? I am asking since […]